Understanding Why is Internet Safety Important and How Content Moderation Can Help

Why Is Internet Safety Important_ And The Role of Content Moderation
UPDATED August 2, 2024
Written By nmscreativedesign

Whenever we go online to talk to our friends, search for a product, or post our experiences, the risk of encountering digital threats is always present. Fortunately, being safe on the internet is not an impossible task. However, it’s also not as simple as it sounds.

Whether we use the internet for studying, working, or simply browsing, it’s crucial to take precautions to avoid cyber threats, such as scams, trolls, and cyber bullies, not to mention the harmful content that perpetuates in our digital spaces: misinformation, hate speech, graphic violence, and pornographic material.

So, if you’re asking, “why is internet safety important?” Continue reading this article!

Understanding Internet Safety

Understanding Internet Safety

Being safe on the internet means following the best practices and guidelines when doing online activities. It includes identifying potential risks that could compromise your personal security and well-being on the internet.

Some of these risks include:

  • Cyberbullying
  • Scams and malware
  • Identity thief
  • Age-inappropriate content
  • Hate speech and offensive language
  • Graphic violence
  • Sexually-explicit content
  • Self-harm or suicide
  • Illegal content
  • Misinformation

Internet safety requires a two-way approach. On the one hand, users can implement safety precautions to avoid the pitfalls of the internet. On the other hand, online platforms must ensure they are participating in the community’s effort to attain cyber safety.

Here are other aspects of online safety:

Protecting Personal Information

The first fundamental concept of internet safety is securing personal information. Signing up on social media apps, making website purchases, or signing up for newsletter subscriptions all require consumers to share their details, including their full name, address, work, account number, etc.

Internet newbies, especially younger users should be taught never to share their personal information with strangers on social media or suspicious websites. Meanwhile, platforms should collect, store, and manage user data transparently to foster security and accountability.

Avoiding Malware Attacks

Malware attacks are another method of stealing and using user information for nefarious purposes, such as hacking into company systems to get files, steal money, and compromise their operations.

Software, links, attachments, files, and spam messages from unknown sources are often utilized in malware attacks. Users must stay wary of these techniques, while organizations must implement strong security methods to protect user data.

Managing Online Relationships

While it’s easy to connect and make friends on social media, meeting people with ill intentions is equally possible. By understanding the risks of meeting people online, users can have meaningful and safe interactions.

To manage online relationships, online platforms must be responsible for removing fake profiles, and monitoring conversations on public chats and comment sections.

Importance of Internet Safety

The Importance of Internet Safety

Now that most people can access the internet through mobile devices and electronic equipment, online safety is increasingly becoming an important aspect of our digital experiences.

With effective internet safety measures, individuals, particularly children and teenagers, can be protected from predatory behavior, cyberbullying, and inappropriate content. They can have a healthier relationship social media experience, mitigating the risks of mental health issues like low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression.

On the platform’s end, widespread internet safety issues can result in loss of user trust and tarnished reputation. When users feel uncomfortable and unsafe on a website or app, they are less likely to support the brand behind it.

The Role of Content Moderation in Internet Safety

The Role of Content Moderation in Internet Safety

Companies can take several proactive measures to ensure internet safety. One of which includes investing in content moderation services. Through content moderation outsourcing, online platforms can protect users while maintaining their integrity.

Defining Content Moderation

Content moderation refers to regulating content across multiple online channels. An in-house team of moderators or an external content moderation company can be hired by an organization to monitor and filter all types of content, depending on their standards and guidelines.

In today’s digital era, content moderation is a necessary tool for securing internet safety. As platforms become more advanced, keeping up with changing forms of harmful content is essential and evolving online behavior.

Different Types of Content Moderation Services

By choosing the right content moderation service for your platform, you can focus on screening the specific type of content generated by your user base in real time.

  1. Text and Chat Moderation

When it comes to internet safety, moderating text and chat is the key to maintaining healthy discussions, especially among minors and vulnerable groups. Text and chat moderation services ensure that unwanted sexual advances, discrimination, derogatory remarks, and other forms of bullying are removed before they escalate.

  1. Image Moderation

Sharing images is a normal part of the online world. Most social media platforms encourage posting images to share their experiences and express themselves. However, this can be a double-edged sword when uploaded images contain inappropriate content for other users.

Image moderation services are focused on identifying harmful objects within a photo. For example, images containing nudity, violence, or promoting illegal activities are instantly removed from the platform.

  1. Video Moderation

Nowadays, online platforms are becoming more video-centric due to the popularity of short-form content. However, this also increases the challenge of achieving online safety when harmful videos are shared on different channels.

To prevent these types of videos from spreading, platforms must invest in video moderation services. Experienced moderators check the quality and appropriateness of each video before they are published on the platform.

  1. Profile Moderation

Keeping the internet safe entails knowing that users have no malicious intentions or purposes and aren’t impersonating other people for monetary gains or to intimidate others.

Profile moderation services keep user-friendly spaces by implementing a multi-process verification system to ensure that all created profiles on a platform match the information of real people, including their age, description, and other details.

How Content Moderation Enhances Internet Safety

How Content Moderation Enhances Internet Safety

Content moderation is indeed one of the building blocks of internet safety. By screening content on online platforms before it reaches consumers, user safety can be guaranteed.

Here are some ways content moderation enhances online security:

  1. Prevent Cases of Cyberbullying

Effective content moderation services can prevent online bullying, harassment, and abuse of children, minors, women, indigenous groups, people of color, members of the LGBTQIA+, and other vulnerable people of society. Content moderators take down discriminatory content and suspend users that proliferate them.

  1. Reduce Psychological Effects of Exposure to Harmful Content

When younger users continuously consume harmful content, their mental health suffers. For example, when they are exposed to images and videos of self-harm, they may normalize these activities and behavior. Content moderation can help lessen the psychological effects of violent and disturbing content by regulating online material that may contain these themes.

  1. Safeguard Sensitive Data

Internet safety also necessitates the protection of user data. Content moderation helps safeguard sensitive user information by removing spam, fake profiles, and suspicious links that may be used by cybercriminals who want to hack into your account to get your financial details.

  1. Combat Misinformation and Disinformation

Misinformation and disinformation, which refer to the unintentional and deliberate sharing of false information, both threaten the safety of the digital environment. By thoroughly reviewing the accuracy and credibility of published content, users can be secure that they’re consuming material from trustworthy sources.

Challenges and Solutions in Content Moderation

Challenges and Solutions in Content Moderation

Like most things in life, content moderation is not always a smooth sailing process. Moderators face various dilemmas, including:

Large Volume of Content

With billions of active internet users, the daily content produced is mind-blowing. Around 328.77 million terabytes of data are generated daily. As such, content moderators have difficulty detecting and promptly removing harmful content.

Emotional Toll on Human Moderators

Due to the overwhelming volume of harmful content they have to deal with every day, human moderators may suffer from burnout and emotional distress. Some may even exhibit PTSD-like symptoms due to prolonged exposure to triggering comments and distressing imagery.

Emerging Content Formats and User Behavior

As the internet evolves, so does user behavior and the content they produce. With new content formats and technologies used to generate fake content and compromise user data, content moderators may struggle to keep up with the continuous changes.

The Rise of AI Moderation Solutions

AI moderation solutions automate content review, providing real-time analysis and flagging inappropriate material with speed and efficiency. These systems learn and improve over time, accurately identifying harmful content. AI's scalability is crucial for large platforms, but potential biases and lack of contextual understanding can still be a problem. Through a hybrid approach, combining AI with human oversight, fairness and accuracy can be ensured.

Tips for Personal Internet Safety

Challenges and Solutions in Content Moderation

With the increasing prevalence of cyber threats, data breaches, and malicious activities, it's essential to be proactive about protecting your personal information and privacy.

Here are practical tips to help you navigate the internet safely and securely:

  • Use Strong, Unique Passwords

Create passwords that are hard to guess by combining upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts.

  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Add an extra layer of security by enabling 2FA on your accounts. This usually involves receiving a code on your phone or email that you must enter in addition to your password.

  • Be Wary of Phishing Scams

Don't click on suspicious links or download attachments from unknown sources. Phishing scams often try to trick you into giving away personal information.

  • Keep Your Software Updated

Regularly update your operating system, browser, and other software to protect against the latest security vulnerabilities.

  • Use a Secure Internet Connection

Avoid using public Wi-Fi for sensitive transactions. If you must use it, consider using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt your internet connection.

  • Be Mindful of What You Post and Share Online

Think twice before sharing personal information on social media and other online platforms. Cybercriminals can use this information for identity theft and other malicious activities.

Additionally, make sure to follow platform rules and policies by posting only acceptable content and engaging in respectful conversations with fellow users.

Safeguarding the Digital Realm Through Content Moderation

Safeguarding the Digital Realm

Internet safety is crucial in our increasingly digital world, and content moderation plays a vital role in maintaining it. By filtering harmful content and protecting users, a content moderation company ensures safer online environments. Both users and platforms must prioritize these safety measures, fostering a secure digital space. Encouraging robust content moderation practices and personal internet safety habits is essential for a healthier, more trustworthy online experience.

Having a reliable content moderation partner like Chekkee is a must to keep the internet a safe place for everyone. Chekkee offers comprehensive moderation solutions depending on your platform’s needs.

Online cleanliness is next to business success. Contact us today!

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