Benefits & Challenges of Using AI for Content Moderation

A chatbot interface displaying a conversation between a customer and a virtual assistant, enhancing customer service efficiency
UPDATED September 22, 2023
Written By Stephanie Walker

When a user shares content on a website or platform, it must go through a screening procedure referred to as content moderation. It involves assessing and monitoring user-generated content (UGC) online to guarantee compliance with certain standards and guidelines. This includes the removal of inappropriate or offensive content and the enforcement of community guidelines and terms of service.

However, with the significant growth of social media platforms, online forums, and other online spaces, there has been a notable increase in users who create, share, and exchange content.  As a result, there has been an overwhelming surge of UGC challenging human moderators in handling big volumes of information. The challenge to manually check online content becomes even more immense as platforms evolve to meet user expectations.

Furthermore, the continuous exposure of human moderators to distressing content presents a considerable drawback, making manual moderation highly unpleasant. This has led to the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance and streamline the content moderation process.

Benefits of AI for Content Moderation

Improved Efficiency and Scalability

According to the World Economic Forum, by 2025 we would have generated over 400 billion gigabytes of data every day (463 exabytes) which humans will struggle to keep up with. The ability of AI algorithms to rapidly analyze massive amounts of content in real-time allows efficient content moderation services at scale. AI automation reduces the need for extensive manual moderation efforts saving time and resources for platform operators.

More importantly, Al alleviates the emotional toll of inappropriate content on human content moderators by automatically filtering out a significant portion of disturbing or graphic content, allowing them to focus on more complex tasks such as oversight and nuanced judgments enabling scalability for online platforms.

Enhanced Accuracy and Consistency

Al can utilize machine learning algorithms in content moderation by learning from labeled datasets through an iterative training process, adjusting its parameters to minimize errors and improve accuracy over time.

For example, to detect offensive language in user comments, AI in social media moderation, recognizes patterns and nuances associated with offensive language classifying comments as offensive and non-offensive based on the data it has from continuous learning and feedback, adapting to evolving trends and variations in user behavior.

AI improves its ability to recognize patterns and contextual cues through continuous learning and integration of human feedback, minimizing incorrect flagging of non-violating content (false positive). Regular updates and sophisticated algorithms help identify and address problematic content reducing instances where harmful content goes undetected (false negatives). This leads to enhanced accuracy, consistency, and safer online spaces.

Real-time Detection and Response

AI has the ability to detect inappropriate content and flag it for further review and action, allowing human moderators to address the content promptly. AI-powered systems may also take immediate actions such as hiding or removing content violating community guidelines or service terms. It is also equipped with reporting mechanisms, allowing users to report problematic content directly.

AI algorithms in a content moderation tool also consider contextual factors during text moderation to understand the intent or nuances behind certain content and continually monitor content to identify emerging issues or patterns and take swift responses to new types of harmful content or evolving tactics used by offenders.

Cost-effectiveness and Resource Optimization

AI-driven filtering reduces the manual burden on human moderators eliminating the need to individually review every piece of content. AI effectively detects and removes spam, low-quality content, and duplicates, reducing the manual effort required to sift through and eliminate such material.

Al may also pre-moderate and flag potential violations, allowing manual moderation to focus only on reviewing flagged content. It also prioritizes serve cases, enabling human moderators to concentrate on decision-making for high-priority situations.

Automating content moderation solutions reduces manual labor, enabling existing moderators to concentrate on complex tasks and lowering the need for additional staff and resource allocation in other areas.

Challenges of AI for Content Moderation

Complexity and Nuance of Content

AI systems face challenges in handling the intricacies and subtleties of content due to their reliance on predefined rules and patterns. These systems struggle to accurately comprehend the intended meaning and identify subtle forms of hate speech, abusive content, cultural references, sarcasm, irony, or implicit meanings in chat conversations. Nuanced language patterns such as inappropriate content disguised as euphemisms, coded language, or implicit references may go unrecognized by AI systems.

Furthermore, hate speech and abusive content exhibit variations across diverse cultures. AI systems that lack training on specific cultural datasets may encounter challenges in identifying harmful content within these cultural contexts, thereby compromising their ability to ensure cultural sensitivity in chat moderation or on other platforms.

Bias and Fairness Issues

AI, being a proficient learner, is trained to identify patterns in data, which means that if it is trained on biased datasets, it can inadvertently learn and perpetuate those biases. Bias in AI can manifest in different ways such as shaping natural language processing models to associate specific words or phrases with stereotypes or prejudices.

AI bias can also impact the field of inappropriate image detection.This bias becomes evident in image recognition models, resulting in misclassifications or the underrepresentation of certain groups.

Addressing algorithmic biases is important to prevent the censorship or marginalization of voices, thereby safeguarding freedom of expression and diversity of perspectives. If users perceive unfair rules, their trust and confidence in online platforms may diminish, leading to potential abandonment. To mitigate biases, platforms should prioritize transparency, engage in open dialogue, foster diversity, and regularly assess and audit their algorithms.

Over-reliance on Automation

The vast amount of content generated online makes it infeasible for human moderators to manually review every single piece. Automation offers a solution by efficiently processing and filtering large volumes of content.

However, relying solely on automation introduces risks of false positives and false negatives. False positives occur when non-violating content is mistakenly flagged or removed, limiting freedom of expression and discouraging user engagement. Conversely, false negatives enable harmful content to go unnoticed, posing risks to individuals and compromising user safety. These risks can tarnish the reputation of online platforms.

The risks associated with false positives and false negatives underscore the importance of a balanced approach that combines automation and human review.  A community moderator or

a website moderator is essential in addressing appeals and correcting errors made by automated systems. Platforms should actively involve users, experts, and stakeholders to address issues stemming from excessive reliance on automation. Involving diverse perspectives enables a better understanding of the impact of automation and necessary improvements for fair and effective content moderation solutions can be made.

Evolving Nature of Harmful Content

The emergence of harmful content like deepfakes poses significant challenges for AI detection systems. Deepfakes are manipulated media that use AI techniques to create realistic but fabricated videos, images, or audio, deceiving viewers into believing they are real. They are designed to evade detection by mimicking authentic content, making it difficult for algorithms to identify them as fake. Deepfake technology continues to advance, generating increasingly convincing and undetectable content.

To combat the evolving threat of harmful content, ongoing research and development are required for more robust AI detection techniques in text, image, and video content moderation. Addressing the challenges posed by deepfakes and other emerging forms of harmful content requires a multi-faceted approach. This involves collaboration among research, technology companies, and policymakers to develop effective countermeasures and promoting media literacy among users to think critically about the content they consume.

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Mitigating Challenges and Maximizing Benefits

Continuous Improvement and Iterative Learning

The dynamic nature of online content requires AI systems to adapt and evolve to effectively address emerging challenges and changing patterns of harmful content. Regular updates help AI models stay up-to-date with the latest trends and tactics used by offenders. Continuously analyzing new data and patterns allows AI algorithms to learn from recent examples of problematic content and improve their ability to detect and classify such content accurately.

Human moderators and user feedback identify AI system limitations, enabling adjustment for improved accuracy. Leveraging state-of-the-art techniques such as deep learning, natural language processing (NLP), and interpretation of complex and nuanced content may also improve content moderation capabilities. Ongoing audits and assessments may also rectify any biases or errors, ensuring a fair and unbiased content moderation process.

Ethical Considerations and Responsible Al Practices

Transparency, accountability, and explainability need to be implemented in content moderation systems. Transparency ensures users understand moderation rules and how their content is handled. Accountability holds platforms responsible for their moderation practices, allowing them to take proactive measures to address harmful content and respond effectively. Explainability helps users comprehend why their content was flagged or removed, enabling appeals and reducing perceptions of unfairness or censorship.

It is also important to ensure that AI algorithms prioritize ethical consideration by addressing biases, preventing discriminatory practices, anticipating social impacts, and building trust and acceptance of Al technologies.

Human- AI Collaboration and Hybrid Approaches

The value of combining both AI automation and human moderators in content moderation solutions lies in their complementary strengths. AI excels in efficiently processing large volumes of content, saving time and effort for human moderators.

Human moderators on the other hand bring essential qualities such as contextual understanding, empathy, and subjective judgment. They can interpret complex nuanced, cultural references, and sarcasm that AI may struggle with. Human moderators can also handle appeals, address edge cases and provide a human touch to the content moderation process.

Combining AI automation with human review in hybrid models optimizes content moderation by leveraging their respective strengths. It enhances accuracy, reduces false positives and negatives, and fosters user trust. This balance between efficiency, accuracy, and inclusivity is vital for optimal content moderation outcomes.

Level Up Content Moderation in Your Online Spaces

As the volume of generated content rises, companies face challenges in monitoring content before it is published. AI-based content moderation offers an effective solution by automating flagging and removing inappropriate content and alleviating the burden on human moderators. This not only protects moderators from offensive content but also enhances user safety, strengthens the brand, and streamlines operations.

A combination of AI and human expertise presents an ideal approach for brands to effectively regulate harmful content and create a safe online environment for users. Chekkee’s content moderation services maximize human and automated moderation to maintain safety in all types of platforms while effectively managing challenges posed by the scale of user-generated content.

Stay ahead of harmful content. Contact us!

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